Wednesday, January 26, 2011

tough week for updates

I spent some time on Monday night listening to the Leafs game and drafting up some new pages for the novel - but I've been seriously delayed as of late. Not sure when I'll get more time to do more, either.

I am half way through drafting page 38, and I'll mock up to page 40 before doing the good copy stuff again. I find if I get a bunch drafted all at once, it seems to flow together more quickly, hence, better.

Anyhow - just another 2 and a half pages before I'm at 40 - and I'm really close to finishing the first act - which is awesome. So the first act might wind up being 45 pages or so - pretty cool.

Hope you're liking it.

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Hey there, I am glad you have taken the time to leave a comment. Thanks - I am looking forward to reading it.